Value 1. A try shall count four points.
Try and Goal A conversion goal or a penalty goal shall count two points. A drop goal during play shall count one point.
Deciding winners 2. (a) The game shall be won by the team scoring the greater number of points. If both teams score an equal number of points, or if both teams fail to score, then the game shall be drawn.
Try – How scored 3. A try is scored when:–
(a) a player first grounds the ball in his opponents’ in-goal, provided that he is not in touch or touch in-goal or on or over the dead ball line.
(b) opposing players simultaneously ground the ball in the in-goal area provided that the attacking player is not in touch or touch in-goal or on or over the dead ball line.
Sliding try (c) a tackled player’s momentum carries him into the opponents’ in-goal where he grounds the ball even if the ball has first touched the ground in the field of play but provided that when the ball crosses the goal line the player is not in touch or touch in-goal or on or over the dead ball line.
Penalty try (d) the Referee may award a penalty try if, in his opinion, a try would have been scored but for the unfair play of the defending team. A penalty try is awarded between the goal posts irrespective of where the offence occurred.
Touching Referee/Others (e) an attacking player carrying the ball comes into contact with the Referee or a Touch Judge or an encroaching spectator in the opponents’ in-goal and play is thereby irregularly affected.
Position of Try 4. The Try is awarded:–
(a) where grounded if scored as in 3(a) and 3(b) above.
(b) where it first crosses the goal line if scored as in 3(c) above.
(c) between the posts if a penalty try.
(d) where contact took place if scored as in 3(e) above.
Referee – Sole judge 5. Only the Referee, or if available, the video referee, may award a try, but the Referee may take into consideration advice given by the Touch Judges before arriving at his decision. He shall signal that a try has been scored by pointing to where the try has been awarded but should only do so after looking at the two Touch Judges to ensure they are not reporting a prior incident.
Goal – 6. A goal is scored if the whole of the ball at any time how scored during its flight passes on the full over the opponents’ cross bar towards the dead ball line after being kicked by a player (and not touching or being touched in flight by any other player) in any of these circumstances:–
(a) by a place kick after a try has been scored and counts two points
(b) by a place kick or a drop kick when a penalty kick has been awarded and counts two points.
Drop Goal 7. A drop goal is scored by a drop kick during play from any position in the field of play and counts one point. A drop goal shall be awarded notwithstanding that the ball touches or has been touched in flight by an opposing player.
Where taken 8. A kick at goal after a try may be taken from any point on an imaginary line drawn parallel to the touch line in the field of play and through the point where the try was awarded. A kick at goal from a penalty kick may be taken from the mark or from any point on an imaginary line drawn from the mark towards the kicker’s own goal line and parallel to the touch line.
Players’ positions 9. When a kick at goal is being taken following a try, the opposing players shall stand outside the field of play. Players of the kicker’s team must be behind the ball. When a kick at goal is being taken from a penalty kick, the opponents shall retire to their goal line or not less than 10 metres from the mark. (See Section 13).
Not to distract kicker It is illegal to attempt to distract the attention of a player who is kicking at goal.
Goal Post(s) 10. For the purpose of judging a kick at goal, the goal posts are assumed to extend indefinitely upwards.
Judging kicks at goal 11. If a Touch Judge is of the opinion that a goal has been scored he shall raise his flag above his head. If the kick is unsuccessful he shall wave his flag in front of him and below the waist. It there is no disagreement between the Touch Judges their decision shall be accepted. In the event of disagreement, the Referee shall decide.
Picking up in in-goal 3. (a) Picking up the ball is not grounding it and a player may pick up the ball in his opponents’ in-goal in order to ground it in a more advantageous position.
Ball on goal line As the goal lines themselves are in-goal a try can be scored by an attacking player grounding the ball on the goal line, but not at the foot of the posts in the field of play.
Incorrectly grounding When an attacking player fails to ground the ball correctly, play continues unless stopped for some other reason, e.g. a knock-on or the ball goes dead.
Release after grounding A try should not be disallowed because the player who correctly grounds the ball fails to retain it.
Referee unsighted The Referee should not disallow a try because he was not in a position to see the grounding of the ball.
No try in scrum A try cannot be scored by grounding the ball when it is in the scrum.
Boring through forwards A player may pick up the ball at the base of the scrum and bore through his own forwards to ground the ball for a try.
Ball blown back 6. If, after passing completely over the cross-bar the ball is blown back, a goal is still allowed.
No goal from 7. A goal cannot be scored from a kick off, drop-out, a free kick kick off, etc. or differential penalty.
Advise where to place the ball 8. A Referee should ensure that a kick at goal is taken from the correct position by advising the kicker beforehand. If the Referee’s advice is ignored by the kicker no goal shall be allowed and the kick shall not be retaken.
Wasting time If a player wastes time when kicking at goal, the Referee may caution him or, in an extreme case, dismiss him. He should not cancel the kick but should allow extra time to compensate for time lost.
Colleague holds ball 9. (a) When a kick at goal is being taken it is permissible for a if necessary teammate of the kicker to hold the ball in position by placing a hand on it. This may be necessary if there is a strong wind or the ground is extremely hard.
Authorised 9. (b) Kicking tees are permitted for starts of play, restarts after scoring and attempts at goal
Accepting Touch Judge’s decision 11. If the ball passes near to one upright, the Touch Judge assigned to that upright is in the better position of the two to decide whether the ball has passed inside or outside the post and, in the event of disagreement, the Referee should be more inclined to accept this particular Touch Judge’s decision.
A Touch Judge should not necessarily remain stationary when the ball is in flight. He should move sufficiently to ensure that at all times he has a clear view of the ball.
Pretending to kick It shall be misconduct for a player to pretend to kick at goal at goal from a penalty kick and then deliberately kick it elsewhere. Such misconduct shall incur a penalty. Once having informed the Referee of his intention to kick at goal from a penalty award the kicker shall not do otherwise.
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