Field of Play

13-a-side 1. The game shall be played by two teams each
consisting of not more than thirteen players on the
field at any one time.

Substitutes 2. (a) Each team may nominate a maximum of fourreplacements before the start of the game. Their names along with those of the players must be given to the referee before the start of the game. A maximum of 12 interchanges will be allowed from the 17 named players.
Substitutions shall be sanctioned by the Referee or by an official appointed to oversee the substitution process.

2. (b) Where a player is bleeding, the referee shall direct him/her to leave the field for attention in which event he/she may be replaced. This replacement counts for the purpose of 2 (a) above.

Number and Naming of Players 3. For ease of identification, players’ clothing must bear the numbers 1 to 13 with additional numbers for the substitutes. The numbers relate to the positions of the players in their respective teams, these positions being referred to by name and number as set out hereunder.


(1) Full Back
(2) Right Wing
(3) Right Centre
(4) Left Centre
(5) Left Wing
(6) Stand-off
(7) Scrum Half


(8) Prop
(9) Hooker
(10) Front Row Forward
(11) Second Row Forward
(12) Second Row Forward
(13) Loose Forward

Players’ Equipment 4. (a) A player shall not wear anything that might prove dangerous to other players.
(b) A player’s normal gear shall consist of a numbered jersey of distinctive colour and/or pattern, a pair of shorts, socks of distinctive colour and/or pattern and studded boots or shoes.

(c) Protective clothing may be worn provided it contains nothing of a rigid or dangerous nature.

Dangerous Equipment (d) The referee shall order a player to remove any part of his equipment which might be considered dangerous and shall not allow the player to take any further part in the game until the order is obeyed. The player shall retire from the playing field to remove the offending item if the start or restart of the game would otherwise be delayed.

Similar Colours (e) The colours of the jerseys worn by competing teams shall be easily distinguishable and, if, in the opinion of the Referee similarity between the jerseys might affect the proper conduct of the game he may, at his discretion, order either team to change jerseys in accordance with the rules governing the competition in which the game is played.

Studs (f) Studs on boots or shoes shall be no less than 8mm diameter at the apex and, if made of metal, shall have rounded edges.


Substitutes 2. A player other than a player who is replacing an injured player who has left the field cannot be substituted during a play-the-ball except when play is stopped because of injury. If a substitution is effected when a kick at goal is to be taken, the substitute shall not be allowed to take the kick.

Late arrival. The laws relating to the replacement of players apply also to any player who, arriving late for the game, wishes to join in the play after the game has started.

Inspect Equipment 4. (d) Referees should inspect players’ equipment before the start of the game or delegate this duty to the Touch Judges. This does not relieve the player of the responsibility of ensuring that nothing of an offending nature is worn, e.g. rings, rigid shoulder pads, projecting eyelets or nails on football boots or dangerous studs.

Colours 4. (e) Referees should inspect the colours to be worn by the teams before the players enter the field of play so that, if a change is necessary, the start of the game is not delayed.

Clubs not wearing their registered colours should be reported to the appropriate authority by the Referee unless the reason for not so doing is self-evident or known beforehand.