When awarded 1. (a) A penalty kick shall be awarded against any player who is guilty of misconduct (Section 15) provided that this is not to the disadvantage of the non-offending team. Unless otherwise stated, the mark is where the offence occurs. If misconduct occurs in touch the mark shall be ten metres from the touch line in the field of play and opposite where the offence occurred or, in the case of obstruction, where the ball next bounces or is caught, in the field of play, or ten metres opposite the point of entry if the ball enters touch on the full, or ten (10) metres from the goal line if the ball crosses the goal line on the full, whichever is to the greater advantage of the non-offending team. If the offence is committed by a defender in his own in-goal or an attacker in his opponents’ in-goal, the mark is taken ten metres into the field of play opposite where the offence occurred. In the event of further misconduct by the offending team, the referee shall advance the mark once only ten metres towards the offending team’s goal line.
(b) In the event of a breach by the kicker’s team a scrum shall be formed at the point where the penalty kick was awarded. In the event of a breach by the opposing team a further penalty kick shall be awarded at a point opposite where the breach occurred on a line parallel to the goal line ten metres from where the penalty kick was awarded.
How Taken 2. A player may take a penalty kick by punting, drop kicking, or place kicking the ball from any point on or behind the mark and equidistant from the touch line.
Other than when kicking for goal (see note to No. 10, Section 6) the ball may be kicked in any direction, after which it is in play.
Position of Players 3. Players of the kicker’s team must be behind the ball when it is kicked.
Players of the team opposing the kicker shall retire to their own goal line or ten metres or more from the mark towards their own goal line and shall not make any attempt to interfere with or distract the attention of the kicker.
They may advance after the ball has been kicked.
Find Touch from Penalty Kick 4. (a) If the ball is kicked into touch without touching any other player the kicking team shall restart play with a free kick. Opposing players shall retire
ten metres from the point of entry into touch or to their own goal line.
In the event of a breach by the kicker’s team, a scrum shall be formed twenty metres in-field from touch in line with where the free kick was awarded but no closer than ten metres from the goal line. In the event of a breach by the opposing team a penalty kick shall be awarded at a point opposite where the breach occurred on a line parallel to the goal line ten metres from where the free kick was awarded.
4. (b) If the ball touches an opponent in flight and then enters touch, a scrum shall be formed twenty metres in field from where the ball crossed the touch line with the kicker’s team having the loose head and the put-in.
No delay 5. No player shall deliberately take any action which is likely to delay the taking of a penalty kick.
Kicker’s side infringes 6. If the kick is not taken as stated or if a player of the kicker’s team infringes, a scrum shall be formed at the mark, provided it is no closer than twenty metres to the touch line.
Explain why Penalised 7. When the Referee penalises a player he should explain the nature of the offence.
Penalty for in-goal offence 8. If a penalty is awarded for an offence by the attacking team in the opponent’s in-goal area the mark shall be ten metres in the field of play opposite where the offence occurred. For an offence in-goal by the defending team which incurs a penalty the mark is in the field of play ten metres from the goal line and opposite where the offence occurred except for foul play against a try scorer (see Law 9).
Offence against Try scorer 9. If a player fouls an opponent who is touching down for a try, a penalty kick at goal shall be taken from in front of the goal posts after the attempt to convert the try. After his kick has been taken the ball shall be deemed dead and play shall be restarted from the halfway line. This law applies to the period during which the ball is touched down for a try and not to any subsequent period.
Drop Goal Foul Play on Kicker 10. (a) If a player fouls an opponent who is attempting a drop goal, a penalty kick shall be awarded in front of the goal posts.
(b) If the attempt at drop goal is successful, a kick at goal must be taken from the penalty kick and play restarted from the centre of the halfway line irrespective of the outcome of that kick.
(c) If the attempt at drop goal is unsuccessful, the penalty kick can be taken in any manner provided for in the Laws and play re-started according to the outcome of that kick.
Advantages 1. The advantages to the non-offending team must be readily obvious if the Referee is to allow play to proceed. Allowing play to proceed does not mean that the offending player cannot subsequently be disciplined. A penalty kick for a scrum offence is, except in very exceptional circumstances, of greater advantage to the non-offending team than allowing play to proceed.
Differential Penalty 1. In respect of misconduct at the scrum other than foul play or the use of offensive or obscene language a Referee shall award a differential penalty which differs only from a penalty kick in that a goal cannot be scored from it. The differential penalty applies to all players, even those outside the scrum, who should be penalised where they offend. A full penalty is awarded for an offence which occurs before the scrum is properly formed.
The Mark 2. As the mark cannot be conveniently marked on the ground a player who punts or drop kicks may deviate slightly from it. This is permissible provided no unfair advantage is gained. The kicker himself may regather the ball after it has been kicked.
If a player takes the ball back from the mark for a kick at goal the original mark is cancelled and the new mark is where the ball is to be kicked, and opponents may advance to within 10 metres of the new mark.
Retiring ten metres 3 and 4. If the kicker takes a penalty kick or the subsequent free kick quickly, the opposing players may not have all retired ten metres in which case they should be penalised only if they interfere with play. These players may join in the play when any advantage which they may have gained through not retiring has been lost.
The Touch Judge shall act as a guide to the team opposing the kicker by taking up a position ten metres beyond the mark (Section 16, law 17).
Free Kick (Second Kick) 4. The ball may be kicked in any direction in any manner when bringing it into play after entering touch and the kicker himself may pick up the ball after he has kicked it.
Dead Ball from Penalty Kick 4. Play is restarted with a 20m drop-out if the ball is kicked dead in the opponents’ in-goal from a penalty kick (Section 8, Law 3).
Refusing to surrender ball 5. When a penalty has been awarded, the Referee must ensure that an opposing player does not hold on the the ball or deliberately kick or throw it further from the mark.
Penalty in-goal 9. For an offence in-goal by the defending team, a penalty try may be awarded depending on the gravity of the offence. (See Section 6 Law 3 (d)).
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