AFRL are working with Wales Rugby League, and be proud of our commitment to equality and diversity.
We’re working hard to create a culture that celebrates diversity and welcomes difference; a place where everyone’s rights and dignity are respected.
We’re striving to provide a work and social environment free from discrimination, prejudice, intimidation, and all forms of harassment and bullying. We want to achieve this for our all our staff and for our customers in their own communities.
It is our policy to treat everyone as individuals, irrespective of ethnicity, nationality, national origins, disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief, marriage or civil partnership, family circumstances, political beliefs, gender, gender reassignment, pregnancy or maternity status, trade union membership, age, or any other unfair distinction in every interaction with our staff and residents.
By demonstrating our commitment to equality and diversity through our day-to-day actions, we want Armed Forces Rugby League in Wales and beyond to be a welcoming environment where individual difference is celebrated.
Gwna dda dros ddrwg, uffern ni'th ddwg
© 2024 AFRL Cymru