You can visit the Kohima Cremation Memorial here.


The Kohima Epitaph

The Kohima Epitaph is the epitaph engraved on the Memorial of the 2nd British Division in the cemetery of Kohima (North-East India). It reads:

'When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say,
For Your Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today.'

The verse is attributed to John Maxwell Edmonds (1875-1958), and is thought to have been inspired by the epitaph written by Simonides of Ceos to honour the Greeks who fell at the Battle of Thermopylae in 480BC.

The Burma Star Association (BEF) [Far East Veterans] use the Kohima; therefore, it would not be part of the dedication for a Royal British Legion Standard.

The Kohima is only said if there are no Burma Star Veterans present at church services. It is only fairly recently that the Royal British Legion has incorporated the Kohima into our activities due to the advanced age of Burma Star Veterans.

Robert Laurence Binyon

The Exhortation

The Exhortation is said at Remembrance events before the Last Post is played and the Two Minute Silence. The extract from a poem written by Robert Laurence Binyon called "For the Fallen", composed in September 1914, just a few weeks after the outbreak of the First World War.

The Exhortation

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old,
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning,
We will remember them."

Response: "We will remember them."


Divided by war, united in remembrance 

The Exhortation is used in Canada and in Germany. Below are the French and German translations. 

Sie werden nicht älter, wie wir älter werden,
Die älter wird sie nicht anfassen, noch die passende jahre sie je ändern.
Im täglichen finsternis und bei der täglichen dämmerung,
Wir werden an sie denken.

Antwort: Wir werden an sie denken.

Acte du Souvenir
Ils ne vieilliront pas comme nous, qui leur avons survécu.
Ils ne connaîtront jamais l'outrage ni le poids des années.
Quand viendra l'heure du crépuscule et celle de l'aurore,
nous nous souviendrons d'eux.

Réponse: Nous nous souviendrons d'eux.